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How To Find The Right Strength For Your Reading Glasses

How To Find The Right Strength For Your Reading Glasses

Do you find it hard to read the fine print? When reading, do you get occasional headaches? And do you find yourself holding things really close to your eyes to see them? If your answer to all these questions is ‘YES,’ you need reading glasses. 

Does that mean you’re officially an old person? No. All it means is your eyes have weakened, and you need reading glasses to continue reading your favorite authors’ work.

However, selecting the right reading glasses is challenging. Especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. That’s why we hope the tips in this article will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision when choosing your reading glasses.

Let’s get started.

Do you find it hard to read the fine print? When reading, do you get occasional headaches? And do you find yourself holding things really close to your eyes to see them? If your answer to all these questions is ‘YES,’ you need reading glasses. 

Does that mean you’re officially an old person? No. All it means is your eyes have weakened, and you need reading glasses to continue reading your favorite authors’ work.

However, selecting the right reading glasses is challenging. Especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. That’s why we hope the tips in this article will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision when choosing your reading glasses.

Let’s get started.

Why Do I Need Reading Glasses?

Why Do I Need Reading Glasses?

You need reading glasses because your eyes are weakening. In medical terms, this condition is known as presbyopia. Presbyopia starts when your eye’s natural lens stiffens to the point where it becomes harder for the lens to bend. When this happens, it becomes difficult for you to clearly focus on objects that are up close.

This eye condition is most common among those over 40 years. But it can also affect those below 40.  

The most important thing to know is that presbyopia is a natural experience. The best way to deal with this eye condition is by using reading glasses.

You need reading glasses because your eyes are weakening. In medical terms, this condition is known as presbyopia. Presbyopia starts when your eye’s natural lens stiffens to the point where it becomes harder for the lens to bend. When this happens, it becomes difficult for you to clearly focus on objects that are up close.

This eye condition is most common among those over 40 years. But it can also affect those below 40.  

The most important thing to know is that presbyopia is a natural experience. The best way to deal with this eye condition is by using reading glasses.

What Are The Basics Of Your Reading Glasses?

What Are The Basics Of Your Reading Glasses?

Reading glasses solve your presbyopia problem by bringing your eye’s focus point closer to you. This means you’ll be able to see closer compared to when you don’t have glasses. 

When selecting your reading glasses, the rule of thumb is that the stronger your reading glasses, the closer you’ll be able to see. So, what does this mean? 

Reading glasses are categorized on a strength-based scale, also known as ‘diopter’ or ‘reading power.’ You can also refer to this strength as the strength of the lenses in your reading glasses. 

The strength of reading glasses ranges from +1.25 diopter to +3.00 diopter increasing by +0.25 increments, with lens power increasing from the lowest diopter to the highest.

Reading glasses solve your presbyopia problem by bringing your eye’s focus point closer to you. This means you’ll be able to see closer compared to when you don’t have glasses. 

When selecting your reading glasses, the rule of thumb is that the stronger your reading glasses, the closer you’ll be able to see. So, what does this mean? 

Reading glasses are categorized on a strength-based scale, also known as ‘diopter’ or ‘reading power.’ You can also refer to this strength as the strength of the lenses in your reading glasses. 

The strength of reading glasses ranges from +1.25 diopter to +3.00 diopter increasing by +0.25 increments, with lens power increasing from the lowest diopter to the highest.

How To Figure Out You’re Reading Glasses’ Power?

How To Figure Out You’re Reading Glasses’ Power?

Now that you know and understand the basics of your reading glasses, it’s time to figure out how you’re supposed to find the right reading glasses. Below are the two tips you need to make your decision

Now that you know and understand the basics of your reading glasses, it’s time to figure out how you’re supposed to find the right reading glasses. Below are the two tips you need to make your decision

1. Use The Diopter Reading Test

1. Use The Diopter Reading Test

The diopter reading test is the easiest and most common way of determining the strength of your reading glasses. On top of that, it’s a test you can administer yourself at this very moment. 
A diopter test chart is a simple chart with a series of printed sentences and a diopter scale beside those sentences. At the very top of the sentences, the size of the text is tiny. In the subsequent sentences, you’ll see the size of the text size increasing. When you look at the diopter scale, you’ll notice the reading power increases in descending order. The order is as follows:

The diopter reading test is the easiest and most common way of determining the strength of your reading glasses. On top of that, it’s a test you can administer yourself at this very moment. 
A diopter test chart is a simple chart with a series of printed sentences and a diopter scale beside those sentences. At the very top of the sentences, the size of the text is tiny. In the subsequent sentences, you’ll see the size of the text size increasing. When you look at the diopter scale, you’ll notice the reading power increases in descending order. The order is as follows:

To take the test, download and print the diopter chart on paper. Ensure the estimator is about 14 to 18 inches away from your face. 

Now try to read the sentences on the chart from the top row. If you find you can’t focus your eyes enough to read the sentences move on to the sentence below. Continue doing this until you find the sentence you can comfortably read. 

Once you’ve found a sentence you can read without a problem, look at the diopter scale next to it. What is the number? That number indicates the reading glasses strength that your eyes need.

To take the test, download and print the diopter chart on paper. Ensure the estimator is about 14 to 18 inches away from your face. 

Now try to read the sentences on the chart from the top row. If you find you can’t focus your eyes enough to read the sentences move on to the sentence below. Continue doing this until you find the sentence you can comfortably read. 

Once you’ve found a sentence you can read without a problem, look at the diopter scale next to it. What is the number? That number indicates the reading glasses strength that your eyes need.

2. Use The Trial And Error Method By Trying Out Different Reading Glasses

2. Use The Trial And Error Method By Trying Out Different Reading Glasses

To use this method, you need to visit a reading glasses store. And don’t forget to bring along your favorite book. You do need reading material to test the glasses on.

Ask them to give you reading glasses of different strengths at the store. If you’ve already taken the diopter reading test, first try out the reading power suggested to you. Then try out reading glasses with higher and lower strengths than the reading test suggested. 

If you didn’t take the reading test, trying out all the reading glasses also works. Use the elimination method to find the perfect reading power for you.

Alternatively, you can use the ‘power by age table’ to help you find your preferred reading glasses strength. Below is the power table.

40 to 44 - +1.25 to +1.50

45 to 49 - +1.25 to +1.75

50 to 54 - +1.50 to +2.00

55 to 59 - +1.75 to +2.25

60 and up - +2.00 to +3.00

When using the ‘trial and error’ method, if you find yourself torn between more than one pair of reading glasses, go for the glasses with the lowest strength. Going for the stronger glasses may cause you discomfort. 

To use this method, you need to visit a reading glasses store. And don’t forget to bring along your favorite book. You do need reading material to test the glasses on.

Ask them to give you reading glasses of different strengths at the store. If you’ve already taken the diopter reading test, first try out the reading power suggested to you. Then try out reading glasses with higher and lower strengths than the reading test suggested. 

If you didn’t take the reading test, trying out all the reading glasses also works. Use the elimination method to find the perfect reading power for you.

Alternatively, you can use the ‘power by age table’ to help you find your preferred reading glasses strength. Below is the power table.

40 to 44 - +1.25 to +1.50

45 to 49 - +1.25 to +1.75

50 to 54 - +1.50 to +2.00

55 to 59 - +1.75 to +2.25

60 and up - +2.00 to +3.00

When using the ‘trial and error’ method, if you find yourself torn between more than one pair of reading glasses, go for the glasses with the lowest strength. Going for the stronger glasses may cause you discomfort. 

What Happens If The Two Above Options Don’t Work?

What Happens If The Two Above Options Don’t Work?

One, don’t panic. Two, seek professional help from your eye doctor. Most diopter reading tests don’t go above +3.00 diopter. And if you find that the diopter test didn’t yield any positive results, your reading glasses strength might be higher than you thought. 

So Now, What’s Next?
It’s decision time. Pay a visit to our website and check out our collection of reading glasses. We have everything for everyone.

One, don’t panic. Two, seek professional help from your eye doctor. Most diopter reading tests don’t go above +3.00 diopter. And if you find that the diopter test didn’t yield any positive results, your reading glasses strength might be higher than you thought. 

So Now, What’s Next?
It’s decision time. Pay a visit to our website and check out our collection of reading glasses. We have everything for everyone.
